

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Continuous Poverty

A forum research poll conducted during the second week in October showed 63 per cent of responders were in favour of increasing the minimum wage in Ontario to $15 an hour. 31 per cent were not and 6 per cent didn't know. Those against it said such a large increase would reduce employment prospects for young people. Economics professor, Morley Gunderson said recent Canadian studies have shown a 10 per cent increase in minimum wage has resulted in a 3 to 6 per cent decrease in employment for young people. 

Some said it looked good for politicians to up the minimum wage, but the link between it and the reduction of poverty is unproven.

 If credence can be put on the above remarks, it shows no matter how great the effort, there will always be poverty under capitalism. 

John Ayers.

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