

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Period Politics

An MSP is calling for the Scottish government to provide free feminine hygiene products (tampons) - saying it is a matter of "dignity" for women who cannot afford to pay. “I, Daniel Blake” by Ken Loach - includes a scene where an impoverished female character shoplifts a packet of tampons. Scots scriptwriter Paul Laverty wrote the scene after meeting UK females who struggled to afford such essential hygiene products. Scottish Labour MSP Monica Lennon is calling for the Scottish government to provide free female sanitary products "for anyone who needs them". A similar proposal has already been approved in New York City where they will be freely accessible in New York City's public schools, prisons, and homeless shelters.

The Trussell Trust’s Scotland network manager, Ewan Gurr, said some women had even resorted to using toilet roll, socks or newspaper because they were unable to afford female sanitary products. 

Surely, when toilet paper is available without charge in all public places, it is not too much to expect that  women are treated with a similar understanding and respect.

However, the Socialist Party goes much further and demands that women and men have the right to free access to whatever they determine to be a requirement for their needs and well-being.

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