

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Poverty Scotland

Up to one in three children grow up in poverty in parts of Scotland, a new study for the End Child Poverty coalition suggested. 

3.5 million children are living in poverty in the UK - with 220,000 of them in Scotland. The worst-hit local authority area in Scotland is Glasgow, where 34.1% of children are affected.

Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, explained: "Poverty in Scotland continues to harm the lives of children across Scotland… Living on a low income not only affects their well-being now, but can have a negative impact in the future. This is an unnecessary situation and one that requires urgent attention."

A separate study has revealed that 63,794 three-day supplies of emergency food were handed out to people in Scotland at Trussell Trust foodbanks. The figures showed that problems with benefits remain the most significant reason for foodbank use, accounting for a total of 42% of referrals. One in four were due to benefit delays and 17% were sparked by benefit changes.

The trust's Scotland network manager, Ewan Gurr, said: "… we are still experiencing an epidemic of hunger in Scotland. Benefit delays and changes are still the primary reasons underpinning the increased number of referrals to foodbanks. What is more concerning, however, is that hunger is also clearly and consistently being driven by low income. A decrease in the cash in people's pockets leads to an increase in the use of foodbanks."

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