

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Putting A Brave Spin On Things.

On October 19th the Toronto Star happily reported that manufacturing sales had increased by 0.9 per cent in August, according to Stats-Canada. The increase in the volume of sales, overall, was even bigger at 1.2 per cent, with sales up in 15 of 21 industries. T.D. bank economist Dina Ignjatovic said,''This is welcome news for the Bank Of Canada, which is patiently waiting for the manufacturing sectors to pick up the growth baton. That said, we continue to expect interest rates to remain on hold for the foreseeable future.'' Well whoop-dee do isn't life wonderful? The Star neglected to mention unemployment was down in August from 7 percent to 6.9. So there is still plenty of people without a job. Putting a brave spin on things fools nobody. John Ayers.

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