

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Beyond Capitalism

Capitalism is an economic system that, inherently, benefits a select few while everyone else struggles to make ends meet or survive. Capitalism rewards capital … not effort (work). Capitalism not only survives, but thrives on the exploitation of human labor and talent, and the limited natural resources of Earth. The primary objectives under capitalism are the never-ending growth of profit and increasing the accumulation of capital assets … money and otherwise. Basically, there are two ways a capitalist can increase profits: sell more, make more or reduce costs (expenses). The problem with selling more and making more is that both require additional spending, an expense. Reducing costs (expenses) has a better short-term chance of improving bottom-line performance. Every dollar spent on an expense is a dollar that isn't available in profit. Historically, reducing the expense item that results in the most and immediate profit is suppressing/reducing worker (employee) wages. In other words, the ruling class capitalist believes that every dollar paid to workers (employees) that is over and above what is absolutely necessary or required is a dollar lost. Under capitalism, there is absolutely no reason for an employer to pay a single penny more than what is needed to keep the worker (employee) coming back to work day after day. Capital doesn't produce any products or provide any services … the working class does. Yet, it is the capitalist class that reaps the profits generated by the working class. There is no economic justice or equality under capitalism … only tyranny and wage slavery. Capitalism is inefficient and will most certainly destroy the planet left to its own cancerous devices.

Anything that can be used to generate "surplus value" (also known as profit), income or wealth is considered private property. Private property is what anarchists want to eliminate because it is used for exploitation and control over others. Personal property (possessions) includes the house you own and are living in, your cars and all of your personal belongings.   These items are considered your possessions and are not subject to common/collective ownership. Land and, buildings, machinery or any capital asset that is currently used to generate profit or an income will be commonly owned by the people.  "The Commons" such as utilities, communications, roads, bridges, parks and other similar items available for use by all people will also be commonly owned. The workers and/or the community will collectively own and manage the workplaces as well as the distribution of their products and/or services.  Production (the combined effort and labor of goods produced and services provided) will be for the use and benefit of all people and will be readily available based on the needs of the individual or family.

We see the state as the means (tool) by which the ruling class rules. We believe that we have the ability to live collectively, productively, cooperatively and peaceably based on our common interests that are inherent to mankind. We don't need to be ruled or dominated. Collectively, we have enough intelligence and common sense (based on our experiences) to determine what is right and what is wrong in our relationships with others. The main function of the state is to guarantee the existing social relationships and their sources within a given society through centralised power and a monopoly of violence. The state, therefore, is the political expression of the economic structure of society and, therefore, the representative of the people who own or control the wealth of the community. The state ensures the exploitative privileges of its ruling elite by protecting certain economic monopolies from which its members derive their wealth. The nature of these economic privileges varies over time. Under the current system, this means defending capitalist property rights. This service is referred to as “protecting private property” and is said to be one of the two main functions of the state, the other being to ensure that individuals are “secure in their persons.” However, although this second aim is professed, in reality, most state laws and institutions are concerned with the protection of property.

Socialists desire a society, based on free association.

Adapted from here, Beyond Socialism website.

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