

Friday, December 09, 2016

Free our minds. Now is our time.

We must learn to think in new ways. We must dream in new ways and hope in new ways. We must envision a new way of living our lives. Every day more and more people are becoming more and more aware of the forces that limit human potential. Becoming a socialist is a consciousness-expanding process. We all aspire to freedom. We all want to live free in a society where we can thrive, where we can work at something to improve the human condition and be able to take care of our children, give them an education, have quality medical care and keep a roof over their head in a healthy environment. That’s what we want from life. And with modern technology that is now something we can all truly achieve. Sustainable prosperity for all is within our reach. We are a political party with determination, and consciousness to fight for true freedom and justice for all, regardless of one’s gender or nationality. Our struggle is not local, regional, or even national. It is universal. Because exploitations are universal.

Our ecological systems are ravaged for the profits of an elite who’ll do anything to keep their profits rising. The rich continue to loot the natural riches of the entire world, everything that gives us life like water, land, forests, mountains, rivers, air; and everything that is below the ground: gold, oil, uranium and other minerals. They don’t consider the land as a source of life, but as a business where they can turn everything into a commodity, and commodities they turn into money, and in doing this they will destroy us completely. It doesn’t matter what colour they paint it, what ideological garb they clothe it in, what name they give it, what religion they dress it up as, what flag they raise; it is the capitalist system. It is the exploitation of humanity and the world we inhabit. It is the system that persecutes, steals and murders.

Corporations consciously produce stuff be deliberately outdated, to break, or to go out of fashion just bringing new products to the market for fast profits. They advertise and sell consumerism. The question of what gain will we get from this? What is clear is that a small minority are willing to lie, cheat, manipulate all others for power and riches. Changing leaders change little, others take their place and nothing really changes. Basically, it is the same old same with more empty words. In government offices and corporation board rooms are people who are self-serving psychopaths who deny that the system is broken or they admit the system is broken, but claim it has nothing to do with them. We live in radical times and our answer must be to move together. We must aim to reclaim the world in its entirety. In all of the corners of the planet, there are people who suffer and people who resist. That is why we understood that it was necessary to build our life ourselves. Where others hope that those above will solve the problems of those below, socialists build our freedom from below.

We do not sit and wait for the understanding of those who don’t even understand that they don’t understand. We do not sit and wait for the ruling class to repudiate their plundering and looting and become repentant. We do not sit and wait for a useless list of pledges and promises that will be discarded and forgotten after they are made. The offer us recipes, as one more commodity, to resolve problems, but they aren’t. Saviours vow to deliver to our liberation. But it is our own path that we ourselves make which is our teacher. We will do what we must do ourselves. Too many of us believe that democracy is an easy thing, not requiring too much effort. It is just raising one’s hand, marking an X on a ballot, filling out a membership form of a political party, shouting its slogans and cheering its leader, simply voting one party out and another in. We have learned that there is only one possible way of organising for real change and it is with a collective voice doing own thinking and action, directing our own destiny. Absolutely no one else is going to come and save us, help us, resolve our problems, relieve our pain, or bring us the justice that we need and deserve.

 We have to organise ourselves, prepare ourselves to struggle to change this life, to create another way of living, another way to democratically conduct ourselves as people. If we don’t get organised, we will always be enslaved. There is no hope in capitalism. We have lived with this system for hundreds of years, and we have suffered dispossession, exploitation and repression. No-body is safe from the capitalist hydra that will destroy our lives. As workers, we struggle to survive the hardships of daily life, caught in the clutches of the bosses.

 It is now time we all have trust in each other, in ourselves. And we know how to create a new society, a new system of politics and economics to give us the life that we want. There is no salvation within capitalism. No one will lead us; we must all be leaders, thinking together about how we will resolve each situation. We have already seen how our “betters” lead under the capitalist system; it didn’t work for us, the poor, at all. It worked for them, the employing owning class, not us. They told everyone to “vote for me and I will put an end to exploitation,” but as soon as they take office they automatically forget everything they said and begin to create more exploitation. That is why we must organise ourselves better. We have no other possible path but to unite ourselves and organise ourselves to struggle and defend ourselves from the effects and threats of the capitalist system. Capitalism threatens all of humanity. Our weapons of struggle and resistance are our words, which no border can block. The socialist message will reach the ears and hearts of brothers and sisters all over the world. Every day more people around the world will come to understand our cause and our struggle against the capitalist system. We must not forget that we are the heirs of years and decades of class struggle and workers’ resistance. Their blood runs through our veins. But it is not enough to just remember. We must continue the work that they left us and create the change that we want.

Achieve our potential

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