

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Our way is better

As socialists, we see the enemy as capitalism, the social system that exists throughout the world. We do not preach hate against individuals who administer capitalism. To do this would only reveal ignorance of how the system function. Capitalism can only be abolished when the majority of people throughout the world desire the change to socialism and take the appropriate action through the ballot box. The only barrier to socialism now is the lack of socialist knowledge among the working class. Our object is the  education of the working class to their real interest in society, and expose the bankrupt social order, under which we live. Our task is to assist our fellow-workers to discover the nature of the capitalist system, realise their problems and that these problems can’t be solved within it.

Understand that it does not matter how clever, or educated your leaders are, they are helpless in doing anything fundamental about conditions. Politicians are not in charge of things as is widely believed. It is capitalism that is in charge of them! They are elected to administer a system rigged with contradictions and not in the interest of the majority. They can do nothing to change this, regardless of their good intentions. There is no political conspiracy against the poor, it is the system that makes poverty inevitable. A socialist party differs from other parties in various ways, one of the most striking difference being the views socialist hold towards the question of leadership. A socialist organisation does not recognise the need for any one person to be regarded as leader. This is based on the fact that within a socialist organisation everyone is conscious of the objective, and therefore there is no need for any special person to lead.

Most political parties start from the premise that the majority of people can't understand the complex nature of society. They, therefore, encourage members that this analysis of society be left to an "educated" elite. No doubt conscious of the fact that if members do examine our social structure they would soon no longer be members. Observe how we hear quite often people expressing their disappointment in a particular leadership. This is partly due to the fact that the leader, and the members don't share the same philosophy, and are in the organisation for different reasons. Few organisations on the political level, ask people to endorse a set of principles before becoming members. They would, in fact, regard this as suicidal, their chief objective being, to gain as much popular support as possible, and not to put obstacles in the way to this end. This in one reason why they need a leader, someone with the personality to unite so many people with different views. The ability to keep alive hopes that can never be fulfilled is regarded as an essential quality for a modern leader. Despite this, however, it is impossible for any political leader to escape conflict within his or her organisation, with members so confused as to goal, and their natural ignorance of the motive of capitalist society.

Every socialist organisation throughout the world demand that each prospective member endorses a set of principles. This eliminates conflict of goal, and the method of achieving it. Members already conscious of the wrong in capitalist society soon grasp the full consequence of its continued existence. This is done through our literature, and lecture programmes, their educational value are very rewarding, extending to a change of one's life-style. Socialists have often expressed confidence in any person of average intelligence, to understand the socialist case. It is really the intelligence of the average worker they attack, those people who accuse us of inaction. Taken in this sense, our activities rightly reflect the amount who join us, in the different countries around the world. Remembering that we don’t engage in marches, and demonstrations, as we regard such methods as useless. While other organisations do everything to create the impression of false strength, to gain recognition, socialist continue to reflect their true influence in society. We regard politics as serious business and proceed to educate people to realise that capitalist society can be changed to socialism, to others it really is a game, with the leader as the chief player. 

The world cannot change to something better until the majority of people in it visualise a new social system, and then set out to make it a reality. This is everyone's responsibility, not for a few to decide. When people have this vision they won’t need leaders, as they will be certain of where they are going. It is in the structure of society that we live under that create the problems of the world, leaders can’t change the system, all of us can. The record of the staggering failure of leadership is proof enough how useless it is. We only help to make capitalism survive by supporting leaders. We need a social system to establish harmonious, relationship for men on earth. When men are moving consciously to this end they will have no need for leaders.

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