

Friday, December 02, 2016

The time is now, why must we wait?

Well-meaning people always want a reform passed to deal with a particularly unsavoury aspect of capitalism. They introduce wishy-washy reforms that may in some way or another make a slight improvement to workers lives, only to find them quickly reversed by the next government. The erosion of the NHS is a typical example. No one can deny the world is in a heck of a mess today, and every day there is evidence that the politicians cannot cope. Politicians have long been attempting to manage this anarchic market volatility since the beginning of the modern day industrial state two hundred years ago and haven’t yet succeeded. Do they still wish us to believe they have a chance today? Their job is to manage the day to day chaos of capital little more. It makes not an iota of difference whether they are honest, clever, stupid, or educated. Nor does it matter if they are well meaning. If good intentions or any of these other things were all that were required to fix capitalism there would be no problem.

Wars is being across the world that benefits no member of the working class. All over the world religious fanaticism has reached ridiculous levels. Global warming continues to wreak havoc with the environment with increasing extreme weather events in all around the world.

We in The Socialist Party are not interested in upholding capitalist economics. We are not asking anyone to vote for us who does not understand and want socialism; we are not in the business of providing reformist promises to patch the system back together. We are asking you to study the case for socialism so that when you do vote for socialism, you will, in effect, be voting for yourself for your own interests. We believe in the hard-headed understanding of knowing what we want as a class and the perseverance to achieve it. The Socialist Party has clearly explained for over a century that poverty and all the economic and social evils are caused by the ownership of the tools of production by a tiny minority with the consequent need for the vast majority to sell their mental and physical capabilities and work for wages with which to buy back some of what they produce. If that sounds crazy, that’s because it is! Production for profit has created the mess we are in.

All this can be changed simply and quickly for the better by the world’s working class organizing politically for a socialist world in which the means of production will be owned and used for the benefit of all humanity. The Socialist Party isn’t interested in making life less harsh for anyone within capitalism, but in overthrowing an economic system that makes, and will continue to make, life harsh for the vast majority. We hold that the root cause of today’s social problems is that a tiny minority owns the world’s natural resources, and all political parties, except those of the World Socialist Movement, exist to maintain the status quo. We advocate a society where the means of production and distribution are owned by everyone and where all production is to satisfy needs, not profit. In such a society, there will be no military budget, in fact, no military and no budget; no bombs, no taxes, no funding for anything; no fares, no prisons, no police, no racism, no rents, no homeless, no utility cut-offs, no corporations, no take-home pay, in fact, no money. A society based on common ownership, where all take what they require will eliminate buying and selling and has no need for money. It will be a case of “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”

 Many may argue, ‘that sounds fine, but it won’t happen yet and, in the meantime, we need reforms to make our lives better in capitalism.’ Our answer is that we have had a century of reforms and reform parties and still we struggle and fight for the crumbs. ‘In the meantime’ has become forever, and the only alternative to socialism, the only solution to our major problems of war, poverty, and want, has been put aside. No, the time is NOW! Socialism is there, waiting for you as soon as you want it. How do you get it? By joining with us to capture political power to win the Social Revolution.

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