

Saturday, December 10, 2016

We need socialists

The working class must make its stand against the capitalist system – whose lust for profits and interest, for investments, markets and expanded capital, for raw materials and cheap exploitable labour, can mean only exploitation and abject wage-slavery. With socialism, there will be no wages at all. There will be no prices or market values. In socialism, men and women will receive a share of what has been produced by the common social labour. Goods are produced for the use and NOT for the profits which they bring to bosses. Labour power is no longer regarded as a commodity to be bought and sold. It is not purchased at all, let alone purchased at the lowest possible price to keep it alive and able to produce more value. Men and women, in socialism, will work and produce useful goods. But they will produce these for their mutual needs and for their mutual development. The sufficiency of goods which workers and machines can create will be given to everyone to develop their bodies so that their minds can grow rich in the wealth of human knowledge, aesthetic appreciation, and artistic creation.

Under capitalism, the worker, at the end of the week (or month), receives wages which simply go to refurbish him or her for another Monday. Saturday and Sunday are the days of rest (if you’re lucky and don’t have to work those days, too), when you try to feel as strong and able to work as you did the Monday before. And so it goes on for the worker under capitalism – a continuous cycle, a downward spiral (broken only by unemployment), with the worker never quite recovering strength from the week before, but always forced to go to work on Monday, anyway. Under capitalist economics, the workers are reduced to a “resource” and a “cost item” to be kept to the absolute minimum through speed-ups, wage-cuts and lay-offs. Under capitalism, workers have no control over what is produced and how. All that is decided by how much profit some capitalist will gain. As long as profit for the few is the basis of the capitalist economic system will continue to go from crisis to deeper crisis, with more misery for the masses of people. If any one thing stands out above all else, it is the fundamental anarchy of the capitalist system. It is just impossible to make the profit system work for the benefit of all. The purpose of production remains the same – how much is there in it for the owners of industry. The profit system has one unshakable purpose: PRIVATE GAIN.

Socialism will change all this. Socialism enables the people to decide how to organize itself and the resources of society to meet the needs of the people. Mankind, no longer fettered by the necessity of working not only for their own material maintenance but for the bosses’ even more material profits, will be freed to live more fully. The time that each must work will be small, yet the goods produced for all to enjoy will be plentiful. Freed from the capitalist system means being freed from wage labour, price, and profit. That is why, instead of the conservative motto, “A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work,” workers must inscribe on their banner the REVOLUTIONARY watchword: “Abolition of the wage system!” Socialism is the ONLY answer. Capitalism has outlived its day and the world is ready for a new economic system. Capitalism brings nothing but enslavement for the overwhelming majority of the people. It brings wealth and power only to the employing class. What is required is the building of a movement of all the working people to fight for a new and better life against capitalism which guarantees only new wars, world poverty, mass unemployment and intense misery to billions of people.

Society can be changed, but only if working people abandon reforms and commit themselves to real change from below. The Socialist Party is the embryo of a mass movement which can transform society. We need you to join. 

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