

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Change must happen

Humans are finally coming to an understanding the harsh truth that it is by their own actions and inactions that we are bringing the prospect of our own demise. A painful lesson is being learned, by us that we must accept that our continued existence on the planet is dependent on our capacity to live in harmony with it. All levels of society now realise that homo sapiens may be facing its extinction if change does not take place. As the ecological events begin to unfold and tipping points are reached can our civilisation continue. The dire prognosis that some make for the future due to the effects of climate change raises two questions: Will humanity survive? And if it does survive, how?

Today, business attempt to have their say and seek to dominate the conversation in order to protect their private interests. They  use every means available to exercise power over the people so as to achieve their objectives, including methods such as marginalizing data. These corporations and individuals go to extraordinary ends to preserve their power and privilege in society. However, their aim and goals do not coincide with the public interest for human survival. The political/financial elite endeavour to preserve its status quo by maintaining self-serving law and order internally through existing institutions. Ecological matters may well be important, but they are not all important - profit and accumulation of capital is the prime directive.  Capitalism is not be able to offer lasting solutions to the ecological catastrophe. The point  is that an entirely new society is required. There is now a need for a new Age of Enlightenment proposing new, radically advanced political, social and economic formulae designed for sustainability. The world requires the prevalence of a new human ethic which truly places value on human life and not simply play lip service to such humanitarianism. Cooperative action among the population will bring about a collective determination to foster needed changes without the violence and authoritarian rule of yesteryear. Economics will take on an entirely new form not like any form from the past such as command central-planning or free-market laissez-faire.  Today’s exchange economy of  market-driven consumerism will vanish. Croplands, grasslands, forests and fisheries will be administered and stewarded so as to be able to meet human population needs. The good of the planet and every life form on it will take precedence over all else. The long term survival and welfare of the human species will be the foundation  A ruling class Kleptocracy will be a thing of the past.

Socialism is the new understanding of common purpose by which each person becomes an integral part of the social whole. This unity can be broadly defined as one where every person has the opportunity to achieve his or her aspirations  within the confines and constraints of ecological balance. Nature will no longer be seen as the servant of humanity to be used and abused at will. An understanding of the “oneness” of all life on the planet will take its place and there will emerge a belief in shared responsibility for our world. The more we share this responsibility, the more stable becomes the society, and the greater the chance for each person to achieve his or her individuality where a human and planetary interdependency will prosper. A metamorphosis of humanity, far surpassing others seen throughout history, will be occur.

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