

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

A Fast Way Oiut Of A Job.

In July, commuters in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, will still be taking taxis, but those that fly. Passenger drones capable of carrying a single rider will fly above the skyscrapers at the push of a button. This is part of the city's plan to increase driver-less technology. The city already operates the
world's longest driverless subway system. In October, the city signed a deal with the Los Angeles-based, "Hyperloop One", to study the potential for a Hyperloop, which is a vacuum-like tube, through which a vehicle travels faster than airliners, between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

It sounds great and the technology is great, but its effect won't be when, like so many of capitalism's inventions, it puts the working guy out of a job.

Steve and John.

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