

Monday, March 20, 2017

A Typical Capitalist Situation

In Toronto, unionized city garbage collectors said they would fight Mayor John Torys efforts to outsource 200 of their jobs. Matt Figliano, Vice-President of CUPE local 416, which represents the affected workers, said they have an anti-privatization,''Kicked To The Curb'', lobbying campaign. Before Toronto amalgamated in 1997, Etobicoke outsourced its garbage. In 2012 the then Mayor, Rob Ford, convinced council to contract out the rest of the city's west half, which saved them $11 million a year. 
The city is in debt, therefore it wants to save money, but workers don't want to lose their jobs - a typical capitalist situation. Years ago when the economy was buoyant, a job in the government usually meant job security, which today no longer exists. 
Steve and John

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