

Friday, March 10, 2017

Citizen Wage or No Wages

Every few years, so-called solutions spring up to end the many social problems of capitalism, in particular, poverty. One of those panaceas is called the citizens wage or universal basic income and from Kenya to Finland, governments are exploring its feasibility.

In Scotland, this miracle cure for destitution is being investigated at Holyrood. MSPs on the Social Security Committee were hearing from advocates and experts to see how it could work. The committee heard that there are various models. The models suggested would end the need for Job Seekers allowance but would still need Disability benefits and Housing Benefit because rent levels wary so much across the country. Trials in Gasgow and Fife are at early stages of being devised.

Howard Reed, Director, Landman Economics said a Citizens income would have great benefit. “It provides a genuine social safety net albeit at a low level. If it was unconditional it would stop people having to use food banks and nefarious ways of support like payday loans.” However, MSPs were also warned that there are some who advocate a Citizen's Income in order to reduce the state. Mr Reed said some want to use it to  "destroy the current welfare state, NHS and state education."

This blog has made its view clear, here
And here

Whats noticeable is that since these schemes were first suggested as far back  the first Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr (573-634 CE), who introduced a guaranteed minimum standard of income, granting each man, woman, and child ten dirhams annually; this was later increased to twenty dirhams.
Thomas Paine advocated a citizen's dividend to all US citizens as compensation for "loss of his or her natural inheritance, by the introduction of the system of landed property" (Agrarian Justice, 1795).
Napoleon Bonaparte echoed Paine's sentiments and commented that 'man is entitled by birthright to a share of the Earth's produce sufficient to fill the needs of his existence'.
And in the 1930s and the ILP, i believe, but maybe as far back as the Speenhamland system in the middle ages) no country has actually implemented UBI, the citizens wage, nationally.

It has always been localised pilot schemes or feasibility studies which the media then blow up into a major story.  
The Socialist Party argues for an end to the wages system overall. No citizens' wage but an end to wage-slavery. No mortgage, no bills, no tax, no debt. Production for use, not profit, and free access to the common wealth. Forget the futility of fighting constantly for reforms. 
Support Socialism.

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