

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Drug Overdosiing Rising Numbers

Overdose deaths in the city of Toronto have leaped 77per cent in a decade, to 258 in 2014, from 146 in 2004. 

The deaths have been driven by the rise of Opioids like Fentanyl and Heroin, according to the Board Of Health, which plans to improve monitoring the places where overdoses occur and ease access to Naloxone, an antidote. Councillor Joe Cressy, the chairman of Toronto's drug strategy, wants to see drugs brought into supervised injection sites. Cressy said,''We have a rapidly escalating overdose crisis facing the city of Toronto, the province and Canada. Traces of Fentanyl which can be very deadly in very small doses are turning up in other drugs and many users don't know exactly what they're taking. 

The issue received national attention earlier this year when a Kamloops, BC, man died after overdosing on Cocaine laced with Fentanyl, at a wedding. ''If we are going to prevent the scale of an overdose crisis we've seen in Western Canada, we need to move quicker now'', said Cressy. Toronto City Council has approved three injection sites and is awaiting for Federal approval and Provincial funding.

 Notice, nowhere does any one suggest there may be something wrong in a society that drives people to drugs and that just maybe needs changing - no way Jose! No Sir - intellectual giants like Mr. Cressy and his buddies on the Council try to contain the problem within society as it exists which is self-defeating 

Steve and John

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