

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

In The Final Analysis

On April 16th, Turkey is set to hold a referendum on switching to a presidential system - a move critics fear would put too much power into the hands of Mr. Erdogan. The Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muiznieks, said Turkey's lack of media freedoms and freedom of expression has reached "alarming levels." He also criticized the imprisonment of journalists, the erosion of the independence of the judiciary, the use of defamation laws used to silence critics, censorship on the internet and the use of state resources to favour pro-government media. Shades of Hitler and his thugs, subverting the Weimar Republic . . .

Though political and parliamentary democracy has its uses, in the final analysis, there is only one form of democracy worth working for - economic democracy. To achieve that, you must first abolish capitalism.

Steve and John.

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