

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Our Demands

The Socialist Party makes its appeal to all workers to join in promoting the overthrow of the capitalist system and the establishment of a commonwealth of workers throughout the world. Today's society is dictated by modern capitalist production where the means of life are concentrated in the hands of a small privileged class, which exploits the propertyless working class, appropriates all the product of their labour reduces them to the lowest and most servile level of existence that will permit them to continue working and reproducing their kind, and in addition obtains, by virtue of that economic supremacy, control of the entire State. This regime has brought mankind into unprecedented conflict, misery, and chaos – a veritable abomination of desolation and terror. But it is fast approaching its overthrow by the a politically victorious working class, where the eventual outcome of which will be an emancipated world, a society of economic and social equals where class divisions and privileges will for the first time in history be impossible; a system of social ownership of the means of production administered by the workers under the motto “All for each and each for All”. 

This social revolution is the essential objective of the World Socialist Movement, the end towards which every step it takes must directly tend.  We hold aloft the crimson banner of the World Socialist Commune, when the class war shall have been forever stamped out, when mankind shall no longer cower under the oppressor, when the necessaries and amenities of life, the comfort, and the culture shall not be for who exploits and is called master but shall be for all fellow-workers in common. The Socialist Party calls upon the workers to muster under its red banner for the purpose of advocating this revolutionary change, building class-consciousness among workers and projecting a program of organisation that the workers could implement toward this end. The Socialist Party calls upon all who realise the critical nature of our times, and who may be increasingly aware that a basic change in our society is needed, to place themselves squarely on socialist principles. Join us in this effort to put an end to the existing class conflict and all its malevolent results by placing the land and the instruments of social production in the hands of the people as a collective body in a cooperative socialist society. 

How capitalism works today strengthens the case for socialism. We need a different form of society, one in which working people get together to decide collectively and democratically how the world’s resources should best be used. Productive resources shouldn’t be controlled by cliques and their cronies but by the people who actually do the work of producing the goods and services on which we all depend. Rather than an economic system that relies on capitalists betting on which way the market will go, we need one based on democratic planning whose aim is to match resources to the real needs of ordinary people.

The spirit of our time is revolutionary and growing more so every day. A new social system is struggling into existence. The old economic foundation of society is breaking up and the social fabric is beginning to totter. The capitalist system is doomed. The signs of change confront us upon everywhere. So long as the present system of capitalism prevails the toilers will be struggling in the hell of poverty. 

The Socialist Party is absolutely the only party which faces conditions as they are and declares unhesitatingly that it has a definite and concrete goal for dealing with these conditions. The workers who have made the world and who support the world, are preparing to take possession of the world. This is the meaning of socialism and is what the Socialist Party stands for. We demand the machinery of production in the name of the workers and the control of society in the name of the people. We demand the abolition of capitalism and wage-slavery and the surrender of the capitalist class. We demand that all children born into the world shall have equal opportunity to grow up, to be educated, to have healthy bodies and trained minds, and to develop and freely express the best there is in them in mental, moral and physical achievement. We demand complete control of industry by the workers; we demand all the wealth they produce for their own enjoyment, and we demand the Earth for all the people.

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