

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Socialism - Human Liberation

The aim of the Socialist Party is to replace world capitalist economy by a world socialism as mankind’s only way out from the inherent contradictions of the capitalist system which threaten to degrade or destroy the humanity. A socialist society will end the class division of society, i.e., simultaneously with the abolition of anarchy in production, it will abolish all forms of exploitation and oppression of man by man. By abolishing private ownership of the means of production and converting these means into social property, the global system of socialism will replace the elemental blind forces of the world market and competition by consciously organising production for the purpose of satisfying social needs. With the abolition of anarchy in production, devastating crises and still more devastating wars will disappear. Instead of a colossal waste of productive forces, there will be a planned use of all material resources and a painless and sustainable economic development of productive forces.

Society will no longer consist of antagonistic classes in conflict with each other but will present a united cooperative commonwealth of labour. For the first time in its history mankind will take its fate into its own hands. Instead of destroying innumerable human lives and incalculable wealth in struggles between classes and nations, mankind will devote all its energy to the development and strengthening of its own collective welfare and well-being. Work will cease to be toiling for the benefit of a class enemy.  The State, being the embodiment of class domination, will die out in so far as classes die out, and with it all measures of coercion. Capitalism distorts human individuality, subordinates men and women to the needs of the profit system sets them against each other. Socialism aims to develop their individuality by creating a society in which exploitation and poverty are ended, and the resources of science and technology used to reduce the time spent in monotonous and mechanical jobs to a minimum, and vastly increase the amount devoted to leisure and creative work.

 Socialism will arise as a result of the conscious creative activity of the many millions of working people. There exists no force in the whole world capable of holding back the advancing movement of society on the path to socialism. Capitalism has outlived its time and the future belongs to socialism. The Socialist Party wants only a society in which people’s needs are provided for by an abundance of goods and services. It seeks to create the conditions in which human beings will be able to realise their full potentialities and work together for the common good, instead of being divided by class, sex, race or creed. New relations, based on co-operation instead of domination and exploitation, will come into being. A flourishing socialist economy will be able to meet the social needs of the people and improve the quality of life for all. With socialism, the process of production is no longer a process of capital expansion, but only a labour process in which society only draws from nature the means of consumption which it needs. No longer are exchange values produced, but only articles for use. 

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