

Sunday, March 05, 2017

The Not Fair Fares?

Almost every day the Toronto Transit Commission is in the news and it's never anything positive. At present passengers pay a flat-rate fare, which TTC spokesman, Brad Ross, said is "Very user-friendly." 
It won't stay that way if the recommendation in a 2016 report is enacted, which is to pay by the distance travelled. This is being considered by Metrolinx, the provincial organization that oversees transit in the Greater Toronto Area.

At present, the matter is under discussion. Mayor, Tory, said the present price-structure is unfair, which implies that paying by distance is fair.

 This must be of concern to people with low incomes, but of, one thing we can be absolutely sure – if this deal goes through, it will make life harder for the workers affected.
Steve and John.

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