

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Treating The Symptons Not The Cause.

Soon it will no longer be a crime in Russia to beat a family member, as long as you don't cause bodily harm.

On January 27, 2017, the state duma, voted 380 - 3 to decriminalize battery on family members that doesn't cause bodily harm. Instead it will mean a fine, or a 15 day sentence. Critics of the new law, said it would encourage domestic violence, (no kidding). Statistics show that 40% of all violent crimes in Russian, are within the family. Russian police are reluctant to react, regarding their intervention as meddling in family matters. 

It would be easy enough for socialists to advocate harsher measures in dealing with those guilty of spousal and child abuse, but that wouldn't be the point; which is the establishment of a society where the economic pressures that cause families to break down (of which this is a symptom) won't exist. 

Steve and John.

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