

Friday, March 24, 2017

We are brothers and sisters of one humanity.

The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity. We have been cursed with the reign of gold long enough.” - Eugene Debs

Many people feel a pervasive pessimism. Fear, uncertainty and anxiety prevails which sucks the joy out of life and leads to a craving for endless consumerism, which exacerbates climate change and ecological destruction. We import luxuries from all over the globe, but can’t be bothered to cook or grow our own food. Something is happening, but many don’t know what it is. Many no longer feel as safe and secure as they used to. The meaninglessness and rootless of our lives as become too obvious for most of us to ignore, any longer. As each day passes, we witness how ignorant and mean-spirited our society has become. The division of men, women, and children based on money, privilege and social standing is totally unjust. Such inherent injustice is a cause of tension, resentment and conflict. Is everyone too busy hating to do anything? Unless one closes their eyes and filters out information, ignoring the signs of dramatic pending doom, realistically, what do you expect your future and our futures to be like other than potentially worse? What would you suggest we do to get from here to a better world?

We must be open-minded, ready for change and prepared to listen; we are the ones who will make the needed changes, not any saviour from on high. People who desire a better, inclusive, democratic world can achieve their goals, but only if they understand the forces that are working against them. Social change is desperately needed if we are to eradicate poverty, bring about social justice and save the planet. How can we be content with a mode of production in which millions starve and die in squalor; when the rich parade their wealth before the poor; when every person is incited to view his or her neighbour as an enemy; when no-one trusts another? For how long must we live like this? For how long can you support this degradation?”  The task of the Socialist Party is to create a new framework, which will finally change all capitalist definitions, capitalist perspectives and all the capitalist parameters.

We are utterly dependent on the capitalist system to clothe, feed, and shelter us.  For the privilege of sheer survival, we must permit ourselves to be exploited by capitalism. But capitalism has dulled our senses and disconnected us from any harmony with planet Earth. The socialist vision of granting every human being a share in the benefits of technological progress is a noble one. But if we expect that vision to be fulfilled we require a united voice of ordinary people, fused and directed towards a new economic thinking and the transformation of society towards abolishing poverty and malnutrition through the end of capitalism. Our society is not plagued by war, hunger, misery and oppression because we, the 99%, like to live that way. We suffer those things because the 5%, and their politicians, deliberately choose to inflict them on us. The Socialist Party offers the simplest almost perfect solution – that we should remodel our social system. The working class is the people, all of the people regardless of skin pigmentation, gender, or nationality. The failure to achieve working class solidarity, despite our numerical advantage, has allowed the capitalists, the corporations' board of directors, stock-holders, and their governments, military, police, justice system, education, media, etc. to divide and keep divided the people, so that the 5%-ers can continue their capital and profit accumulation unabated. If we are to find cures to the many crises facing humanity, we must end capitalism. It sounds like a platitude but it’s the simple and urgent truth.

The prevailing economic system has allowed for the concentration of wealth, and with it political power, into the hands of a wealthy elite, whilst condemning billions to lives of poverty and suffering. Income and wealth inequality is greater than it has ever been. A recent report by Oxfam revealed that “ the world’s eight richest billionaires control the same wealth between them as the poorest half of the globe’s population [3.6 billion people].” There seems to be an assumption amongst the privileged that they are entitled to be as greedy, selfish, rich and powerful as they like, whilst billions live in crushing poverty. The feelings of hostility against our ruling class have been suppressed for generations, but are now beginning to surface as anger and frustration directed towards the capitalist system and governments that have policies for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many.   Capitalism is a blind system – devoid of compassion. It promotes the idea that some are more deserving than others; some are entitled to live lives of excess whilst hundreds of millions literally have nothing. It pollutes democracy and it poisons the planet, for its survival.  It promotes atomisation and works in opposition to humanity’s underlying unity.

 This means we need to design new, social system, which work for everyone; that has as its principle aim, the goal of meeting the needs and addressing the welfare of every human being. What the Socialist Party works towards is a new system that take the fear and uncertainty out of life, and unite people instead of dividing. To achieve this requires nothing more than the common ownership of the world resources, sharing the skills, knowledge and technologies of the people of the world among the people, based on need. The Socialist Party seeks a revolution in how life is organised. When one feels powerless, engaging in action with others can break down the isolation. Stand up and fight back! A better world is possible but time is running out if we are to preserve the planet and protect life on Earth. Capitalism is an abomination. Capitalism is anathema. Capitalism is the destroyer of the environment. Capitalism is the maker of wars and famines and pestilence. Capitalism is abhorrent.

Saving our world is not, it seems, particularly important for the men of power – the possessing class and politicians; their priority is profit growth, economic expansion and the exploitation of everyone and everything through the cancer of capitalism.  Every natural resource is drained and exhausted in the name of the market. Such irresponsible, reckless behaviour by people content to bury their heads in the sands of denial is causing far-reaching, perhaps irreparable damage to the Earth, its diverse eco-systems and to humanity itself. The call is now for revolution. What is required is a revolution. It is an imperative that humanity abolishes capitalism. The revolution must begin.

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