

Monday, March 13, 2017

You can't beat something with nothing

Labour cannot emancipate itself in the White while in the Black it is branded.” (Marx)

WORKERS! Why do you live in slavery? Why are you not free? Why are you kicked and spat upon by your masters? Why do you toil hard for little money? And again thrown into prison if you refuse to work. WHY? Because you are the toilers of the earth. Because the masters want you to labour for their profit. Because they pay the Government and the police to keep you as slaves to toil for them.

Let there be no longer any talk of different nationalities. You are all labourers. Let labour be your common bond. Wake up! And open your ears. The sun has risen, day is breaking. For a long time, you were asleep when the  rich man was grinding and breaking the sweat from your work for nothing. Deliver yourselves from the chains of the capitalist. Social Revolution is the objective of the World Socialist Movement. Unity is our strength. Workers of all lands unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains. You have the world to win.

The Socialist Party speaks to our fellow-workers, and above all to those workers who look forward to the emancipation of labour from wage slavery. There can be no appeal to any other section of society outside the working-class, as their interests are opposed to labour and their opinions therefore of no account to us. One section of the workers cannot benefit itself at the expense of the rest without betraying the hope of the children. Those who receive favours from the master class may lift themselves out of the propertyless proletariat: but their children will inherit the fear of the abyss which their fathers helped to create.The power of labour lies in its ability to stop or to control industry. All the workers are needed for this. Labour, not race, nationality nor gender, is the watchword of solidarity. If all those who labour cannot share in the emancipation of Labour, none can be emancipated.

Speed the Social Revolution!

The economic emancipation of the working class will be achieved only by the transfer to common ownership by all the people of all the means and products of production and the organisation of all the functions of social and economic life in accordance with the requirements of society. The modern development of technology in civilised societies not only provides the material possibility for such an organisation but makes it necessary and inevitable for solving the contradictions which hinder the quiet and all-round development of those societies. This radical economic revolution will entail most fundamental changes in the entire constitution of social and international relationships. Eliminating the class struggle by destroying the classes themselves; making the economic struggle of individuals impossible and unnecessary by abolishing commodity production and the competition connected with it; briefly, putting an end to the struggle for existence between individuals, classes and whole societies, it renders unnecessary all those social organs which have developed as the weapons of class oppression during the many centuries it has been proceeding. Without falling into utopian fantasies about the social and international organisation of the future, we can already now foretell the abolition of the most important of the organs of chronic struggle inside society, namely, the state, as a political organisation opposed to society and mainly in the interests of the ruling class. Society is divided into two classes: the working class, doing all the labour; and the idle class, living on the fruits of labour.  

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