

Sunday, April 09, 2017

A World Citizen.

In the TV Guide it said CNN were showing,"The History Of Comedy", so when this twit switched on, expecting to see something about comedy, it was always something about Trump. I may have missed the point, is there a connection?
Another, ''unlikely'', connection is, on March 25, at Toronto's Royal York Hotel, there was a seminar instructing American citizens on how to give up their U.S. citizenship. It was titled, "Make Sure You Renounce the right way." The aim of the organizers, The Moodys Gartner Tax Law Company, is alright as far as it goes, which isn't far enough. 

It would be a fine thing if everyone gave up their citizenships in every country in the world. It's private property society that divides people into countries, races, nations, in fact, divides people against each other to compete with and fight each other in wars: all in the interests of the capitalist class in those countries, which are competing with each other over markets and raw materials.

 By all means, let's give up our citizenships and have one world for all people. As Charlie Chaplin said when asked if he had taken out U.S. citizenship, "I am a citizen of the world." 

Steve and John

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