

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Capitalism At Its Cruellest

On March 10, Stephen O'Brien, the UN's so called Humanitarian director, said the world faces its greatest humanitarian crisis since the UN was founded in 1945, with more than 20 million people in 4 countries,Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia and Nigeria, facing starvation and famine. To quote,''Without collective and co-ordinated efforts, people will simply starve to death and many more will suffer and die from disease." 

This is a typical example of Capitalism at its cruellest; if food, or anything else for that matter, can't be sold for a  profit the people who need it go without. As for those who face death by starvation very soon, they can be saved very soon, by the establishment of Socialism which can come as soon as people want it. 

Steve and John.

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