

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Capitalism will doom the planet - Socialism will save it

We live in a time of tremendous instability. Concerns about growing authoritarianism in politics – as reflected in the rise of populist power in politics are legitimate. We live in a time of ecological unsustainability that threatens human survival. Record inequality means a growing number of people around the world are economically insecure and struggling to pay for basic goods such as health care and education.  "One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." The quote comes from Stalin. The policy comes from capitalism.

  With every day that passes, the wealth and power of the capitalist class is further consolidated. The gap between rich and poor grows a process that is linked to the immense profits that continue to be amassed by a greedy handful at the expense of the rest of us. Under capitalism, the only true givers and strivers are the working-class.  Ruling class philanthropy is yet another tool to advance their class interests, another tool of oligarchical control. Not only do philanthropists indeed have more power than ever before but that influence is likely to grow far greater in the coming decades. In the name of redistributing wealth and power, a tiny group of the most privileged members of society will help decide which social justice groups – and causes – will thrive and which will wither. There exists no real debate about capitalism versus something else,  closing their eyes to any alternative more egalitarian future. Capitalism and inequality are the only conceivable game in town. But there’s nothing rational about the world we currently inhabit. 

Over a century ago, John D. Rockefeller’s proposed foundation denounced by the then U.S. attorney general as ‘an indefinite scheme for perpetuating vast wealth’.  In the past, robber barons benevolently” bestowed upon the peasants, cathedrals and churches to buy their way into Heaven, now the modern-day robber barons offer charity to buy off their guilty consciences. Philanthropists often operate subtly, working behind the scenes to set agendas and shape decisions – backing ideas, research, and pilot projects, emerging as the new social engineers of our time.

Working men and women, You work all through the year and, in the sweat of your brow, produce everything in the world. You have built all the railways, the planes, the ships, the cars. You build houses and yet, do you not live in small shabby homes than only a few of you can call your own. You have made everything in the world and provided for all. The rich who eat and drink freely and enjoy themselves luxuriously all through life and still their wealth ever increases while yours diminishes. Good-for-nothing parasites look down on you as low-lives.  Those millionaires, doing no work, but playing and enjoying themselves in their easy and sumptuous life continue to get ever more money and wealth while you go on diligently toiling and laboring and making every good thing in the world.   ou ought to think the matter over well and seriously for yourself, somewhat in the following manner: Why am I, the master of this world, the head of the industry and the very pillar of society, compelled to lead such a life? Do you never in your miserable life think of it? Have you never thought of your present fate as a sad one that is even lower than that of some animals? Have you never thought of getting rid of such an awful life as soon as possible? If you think of the matter as we do, then you ought to organize with other workers; the sooner the better for you and for all, and thus you should get rid of those who live by exploiting you. If you realize yourself the very power and influence you could command, you must organize yourselves into a union with your fellow workers. And then, and only then, you shall get rid of your present miserable life. The fact that you organize or not shall decide the very destiny of the world in either way -- prosperity and happiness, or decadence and misery!

A socialist vision is emerging little by little around the world, soon to once again embrace the labour movement. It is the future. But reaching the future depends on dealing 
with the present, and the present is presently bleak. But the news isn’t all grim.  It's time to get to work. This is not just a one-time 'Dump the Tories” campaign we're undertaking, but the mobilisation of a long-term grassroots socialist movement to reject the capitalist system. The task, then, is as simple as it is difficult: To have People's Power, we must build it. Social democracy requires us all to join together, with each of us doing as much as we can, when we can and for as long as we can. That means creating contacts of like-minded activists, holding meetings to try to agree on issues and approaches, create online networks and email lists. We’ll connect with peoples fighting class struggles and expand international solidarity. We are inviting you to join us on this path of sowing the seeds of socialism. Our task is to galvanise fellow-workers into political action to change society. We need vision and we require organization aiming for transformation of society

Unite the Workers of the Whole World 

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