

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Humanity faces the danger of complete destruction. The old capitalist “order” can exist no longer. There is only one power which can save it – the power of the working class. The ultimate result of the capitalist mode of production is chaos – a chaos that can only be overcome by the producing class, the workers who must end the domination of capital, make war impossible, wipe out state boundaries, transform the whole world into one cooperative commonwealth, and bring about real fraternity and freedom. Decades have been lost in the swamp of reformism when generations of leaders, gave token recognition to the policy of social revolution but denied it in substance. Reforms generate conservatism. Nobody outside an insane asylum any longer believes that the Labour Party is going to put an end to the capitalist system and usher in the cooperative commonwealth. The purpose of the Socialist Party is not to demand any immediate reforms — for capitalism will grant that — but advocate revolution, and that only. What are we organised for? What is our chief bond of unity? What is our avowed object? It is the abolition of capitalism.  Our goal remains always the same — socialism, the substitution for the present capitalist system of the cooperative commonwealth.

The social revolution will never be achieved by solely elections. The revolution will be a success when we have the workers organised and conscious of their strength to run industry and civic society. Therefore it naturally follows that the workers must work to set themselves free. That means that there is no room in our movement for leaders. The words of Marx still ring in our ears, “that the emancipation of the workers must be brought about by the workers themselves.” The world socialist movement must be a movement of revolutionary workers. When the workers are politically and economically organised and made conscious of their power, then the foundation is laid for a successful social revolution. Let us weigh anchor and set sail for the cooperative commonwealth.

The fight is not going to be easy. We shall need men and women with a mind to think and a heart to do and courage to dare. Do not be pessimistic. We urge the workers to continue and strengthen their participation in the universal struggle for emancipation from the economic masters of the world and the establishment of the socialist commonwealth. The only solution of the many social problems confronting men and women is the abolition of capitalism. When every worker is assured of the full product of his or labour through the common ownership of the means of production, there will be no room on earth for division and prejudice. We call on all workers, regardless of coluor or creed, to organise politically and industrially, to win our emancipation from the chains of economic slavery that now bind us down and apart from one another. There is no more promising field for socialist activity than organising and crystallizing the sentiment that already exists against the private ownership. We are convinced that the people are ready for the approach of the cooperative commonwealth. The Socialist Party intends to use all its influence, (albeit, at this moment in time, that is very little) toward the socialist cooperative commonwealth and against capitalist ownership. As socialists we teach that the lives and conduct of men and women are governed by their economic interests, and we think we meet this principle when we point to the economic gain, the material reward involved in securing the establishment of the cooperative commonwealth which must be built; not by the magic of wishing but by the brain and brawn of the workers. The word “comrade” expresses worldwide brotherhood, stronger than the national or religious ties. There is no more urgent task today. There is no hope for fellow-workers except by the pathway mapped out by the Socialist Party, the advocates of the cooperative commonwealth.

The fetters of the slave and the lash of the master symbolise the reign of capitalism, that barbarous system we are suffered to endure. Not until slave and master have both disappeared, and forever can we lay any proper claim to civilisation. Cooperation presupposes that men and women work together in harmony for one another’s happiness. The socialist cooperative commonwealth, is entirely within the realm of the possible. 

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