

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Old And Poorly Funded

With its usual reforming zeal, the Toronto Star called attention to the plight of seniors in nursing homes, informing us, in its issue of March 11 that they are fed on $8.33 a day. Some, run by the province of Ontario are not for profit homes, but nevertheless, have to break even. Some of these homes have contracted out to privately run nursing homes which do have to make a profit and therefore have tighter budgets. 

A 2015 report by the Dietician Of Canada concluded that Ontario homes are, ''serving cheaper protein foods and fewer fresh fruits and vegetables due to budget constraints. The 320 long-term care nutrition managers and registered dieticians surveyed in the report said that improved funding would result in better nutrition, which is a brilliant deduction.

One can hardly expect the Capitalist Class to give a damn about workers who are no longer productive, though they can always find money to spend on weapons for war. Since money, or lack of is the issue, wouldn't it be better to have an economic system where it wouldn't exist? Then such problems would not exist. 

 Steve and John.

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