

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Time To Rejoice.

On March 10 Stats-Canada said 15,300 new jobs were added last month and the Unemployment rate is down to 6.6%. Economists were quick to mention it was a sign the economy has picked up steam. As Ben Reitzes, senior economist at the BMO said, ''One more piece of evidence the economy has turned the corner''.

Anyone would think we should all go out, rejoice and be exceedingly glad. 

There is still unemployment, which there will always be as long as Capitalism lasts, as to what extent isn't a moot point because even a low level of it means hardship for some. Furthermore, the real figure will always be higher than the official ones. There are always people who have used up their EI allowance and others who can only get part-time work. The time to rejoice will be when a majority of the working class has eliminated the cause of unemployment. 

Steve and John.

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