

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Trump's Junk.

Trump Junk - You will all have heard, or heard of Trump's speech to the Congress on February 28. To sum it up briefly, what he really said was,'' Look, guys, we're all in this together. If workers and capitalists forget their differences and pull together we will make America great again.''

Whether Trump is sincere or not is meaningless because the fundamentals of capitalism mean that worker and capitalist have nothing in common economically. Workers struggle to improve their conditions, which means winning some concessions from their bosses who are trying to keep down costs to maximize profits – simple, ain't it?

Two more aspects of Trump's trumpeting deserve comment. He proposes a massive $54 billion increase in military spending. The military budget already exceeds the military budgets of the seven highest spending countries combined. Though $54 billion could go a long way if devoted to welfare programs and fighting poverty in general, it won't be, because of capitalism's crazy priorities. Defending their property ownerships and capturing raw materials and markets are paramount to the capitalist class and if the working class have to suffer, so be it.

Trump refers to the press as,''the enemy of the people''. Of course, he's right, but contextually wrong. What he really means is its the enemy of Donald Trump.

Since the capitalist class owns the press and the media as a whole it will reflect the interests of capitalism in a broad general sense. Some newspapers will advocate the particular interests of the owner, but no newspaper, owned by capitalists, will advocate its abolition. The proof of that is the history of the Toronto Star, which has been widely analyzed in these reports. So certainly, the press is the enemy of the people.

When capitalists use the expression "free press", they mean freedom to criticize anyone they perceive to be doing an inadequate job for their interests, which is exactly the case now. The fact that Trump isn't highly thought of by his fellow capitalists should not mean anything to the working class, whose main interest should be the overthrow of a society that creates people like him.

 Steve and John.

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