

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Better our cuts than their cuts

The fakery of social democracy is that first, it is still democracy for the capitalist class, not the working class and that it is hidden behind nationalist ideology to do the will of the capitalist class. The Labour Party has a long history of betrayal of workers in supporting BOTH world wars and supporting the wars for oil in the Middle East. Their main goal to stave off a socialist revolution by filling the worker's minds with reformist notions.

A “social democracy” under the Labour Party will be nothing more than "reformed" capitalism -- the very system that has oppressed and exploited the working class for several hundred years, all smoke and mirrors that protects and benefits the capitalist ruling elites while throwing just enough socialised benefits to the working class to keep them docile and subservient to their capitalist masters. The very idea of being able to reform capitalism to be more humane is absolutely ludicrous.
  • Capitalism serves and protects capital.
  • Socialism serves and protects society.
There is no common ground. Capitalism and (real) socialism are extreme opposites. As such, they cannot co-exist.
The Socialist Party will expend its resources and energy on supporting and working towards real socialism -- not reforms to capitalism that are here today and gone tomorrow at the will of our capitalist overlords.
The basic law of capitalism is you or I, not you and I.” Karl Liebknecht

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