

Monday, May 29, 2017

Political Action or Political Apathy – You Decide

A survey carried out for the Electoral Reform Society Scotland, found a significant number of those who will not vote on June 8 are not apathetic about politics.

Jonathon Shafi, Electoral Reform Society Scotland campaigns officer, said: “We find time and again that the claim that those who are not voting are totally apathetic is simply untrue...we find that large sections of those who don’t vote regularly discuss politics with friends and family. We also find that this part of the electorate want to make their community a better place to live. That is politics, just not in the ‘formal’ traditional sense: after all, this comes down to getting the power and resources to change things.” He continued: “Where we do find a disconnect with politics, it comes down in part to a strong feeling that their vote doesn’t make a difference. At a more personal level, they also feel that politicians don’t understand their lives, never mind being able to change it. This is an issue of political culture and how parties and politicians communicate with the public. But it’s also about how we deepen democracy and bring decision-making closer to communities.”

Two-fifths of non-voters think who is in government makes no difference to their lives. Meanwhile, a similar number (42 percent) said they felt all the candidates they could vote for did not understand their life. Just over a quarter (26 percent) of non-voters said they regularly talked about how to make their community a better place - with this rising to about a third (32 per cent) when those who probably will not vote are included. In addition, 27 percent of those who say they are certain not to cast their ballot said they regularly discuss politics with friends and family.

The process of making a revolution involves reinventing a democracy, free from the patronage, the power games and the profit motive that currently abuses it. The Socialist Party suggests that rather than abstain and not use your vote, it is better to participate in the electoral process and signal your dissatisfaction with a spoilt ballot paper. The members of the Socialist Party acknowledge and understand the feeling that politics has become a dirty word for many of our fellow citizens And why shouldn't it be? Politics of any colour, as currently structured, equates to lies, corruption, and furtherance of the aims of a minority elite. Politics is all about corruption, cronyism, compromise and concessions. It is a downright perversion whether for money or power or influence. Political democracy, despite its advantages, restricts popular participation to giving the thumbs up or the thumbs down every few years to rival professional politicians and with fewer and fewer people even bothering to do this. The system has developed as intended and has been shaped to be ideally suited to advantage the elite few at the expense of the vast majority so we really shouldn't be surprised. If you think you've been cheated over the years you're right; capitalism is nothing but a racket.

Most people are aware of this but don’t think they can do anything about it. They don’t like it but accept it as something they have to put up with as they try to make the best of their life and that of their family. This is what is being called apathy, but it’s really more resignation or fatalism. The Socialist Party has consistently warned of the dangers of political apathy, of trusting in leaders, of accepting all that governments say without question. Our silence and our inaction is an important element in our continuing exploitation, for the master class see in it as our consent for their abuses and excesses. Politics, the activities associated with how a country or an area is run, is something which should engage the interest and activity of every citizen as it bears directly on all aspects of life. The reason for contempt or indifference towards politics comes from a history of being excluded, the expectation of being excluded and the acceptance of being excluded. To be heard we need to be involved in the decision-making processes. Anger and outrage is not enough. Wherever you look nowadays, it is becoming increasingly clear that the self-serving hypocrisy of the ruling elite is not sustainable. Global capitalism is running everywhere into the social, financial and environmental limitations imposed by its own catastrophically shortsighted rush for endless accumulation.  Decisions have long been made for people not by people,  with electorates distanced from their representatives, decisions made with no consultation and “political leaders” believing they have been selected to take the reins and make all decisions on behalf of the voters. It's taken for granted that once elected the “politician” decides on behalf of the electors. Even our mass demonstrations against unpopular decisions can leave the elected unmoved and intransigent. As a result, there has long been a culture of complaint, a collective feeling of impotence with no expectation of being heard, even if seemingly listened to. Indeed, it can be easy to look at the situation today and become excessively pessimistic and negative. Cynicism and apathy can take hold and give rise to a belief that this is the way of the world is and nothing can or should be done about it. And this is the very stance encouraged via the media and by the political system as a way of preventing people seeking out emancipatory alternatives. Apathy is political suicide.

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