

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

RBS Exporting Jobs

The  Royal Bank of Scotland plans to cut 334 jobs and offshore more jobs to India, the Unite union said.

 The bank plans to cut jobs within technology in areas including Finance Solutions, Risk Solutions, Natwest Markets Technology and Digital Engineering Services, among others, Unite said in a statement calling the cuts "unjustified".

"Unite cannot understand how RBS, which continues to be taxpayer backed, can justify hundreds more staff cuts and continue transferring important work out of the country," Rob MacGregor, Unite national officer, said. "Unite has called on RBS to halt the offshoring announcements and impose a moratorium on the offshoring of jobs."
In February, chief executive Ross McEwan ordered a £2bn four-year cost-cutting drive involving job losses and branch closures. Last month the bank, which is 72%-owned by the UK government, posted its first quarterly profit since Sept 2015. RBS said then that its cost-cutting plan for 2017 was ahead of schedule, with 37% of the planned £750m of cuts achieved.

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