

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Warfare And Welfare.

 I sometimes, shamefacedly enter the premises of crowd that 'ain't exactly famous for tolerance,' the Legion. My excuse, however weak, is to participate in karaoke. 

A member of it, which I am not, gave me a leaflet headed,''Advocating for Life-Long Financial Security for Canada's Ill and Injured Veterans. The 4-page document can be summed up by, ''We vets have done our bit for our country and now it proverbially urinates on us.'' It lists various demands; a typical one being, ''Increase The Earnings Loss Benefit (ELB) to provide 100% of pre-release income and provide ELB for life (not terminated at 65, as is currently the case). The projected earnings of a Canadian Forces member should determine the minimum ELB.'' Even Vets who don't suffer from PTSD are adversely affected in other ways. 

So even if one isn't politically opposed to any, or all, wars, it just isn't worth fighting. 

Steve and John.

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