

Saturday, May 13, 2017

What Does Trump Care About?

The US-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre said Arctic ice is at a record low for the third straight year and is at its lowest level in the 38-year history of satellite record-keeping. The median figure for 1981 to 2010 was  15.6 square kilometers, which is now down to 14.5. Recent research has suggested that most of the loss is due to climate change and is expected to increase as carbon dioxide continues to build in the atmosphere.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which partly funds the Snow and Ice Data Centre, is threatened by proposed budget cuts from the White House, so it can't afford to piss 'em off.One glaring thing about Capitalism is that no matter how bad things are, they can always get worse and to prove it we have Scott Pruitt, Trump's top environmental official, calling for an exit from the Paris climate agreement of 2015. 

On April 13 we have this worthy saying,'' Paris is something that we really need to look at closely. It's something we need to exit in my opinion. It's a bad deal for America.'' What he really means is it will affect the extent to which Manufacture in the US can make a profit.

Trump had previously shown he doesn't care about the policy of climate change Obama had pursued, but the question is what, except for the needs of US Capitalism does he care about? This isn't to say that if every signatory stuck to the accords of the Paris agreement it would solve the problem, though it would be better than nothing. The only sure way to solve it is to get rid of the cause, the pathetic apology for an economic system we live under. 

Steve and John.

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