

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Why we are for socialism

Many of us in our advanced years understand only too well that we will not be members the socialist future, except by anticipation. But it is precisely this anticipation, this vision of the future that we continue to advocate the revolution and promote the liberation of humanity. And that is the most worthy of causes for any man or woman, regardless of whether we personally see the dawn of socialism or not.  No matter what our personal fate may be, our fight for the social revolution has right on its side and will bring all mankind a new day. Socialists are concerned more with people and change than with anything else.

Most of us wonder what the future holds for ourselves, our family and our friends and we want to know if it is possible to see a future free from the poverty for millions free from hunger and free from homelessness. We ask ourselves I there can be such a thing as a secure and happy future for all of the world, or must the rat-race continue where a small number of rich people cream off the benefits of modern technology, while the rest of us spend our days in monotonous drudgery whether in a factory, building site or plush office?

People know that their lives can be improved and made better. It is not “human nature” that is the cause of the problems people face today but the way society is organised, where a minority of people own and control the wealth and exclude the vast majority of the people from any real say in the running of the world. This is what lies at the root of the problems that working people face. It is this capitalist system which cannot guarantee security of employment, which cannot provide the good things of life, which cannot offer an improved standard of living for the millions and cannot safe-guard peace around the world. It is this that must be changed. The working people who have produced all the wealth around us must come into ownership and control of what is their own by right, so that they can then build the society and produce the things they want. Socialists think that conditions can be changed for the better if the people are willing to fight for this. The vast majority of the people gain nothing from capitalism and would lose nothing with its passing.

Once political power has been taken out of the hands of the capitalists and placed in the hands of the people production-for-profit will be changed to production-for-use which is production of what is wanted and needed by the people. Rather than accumulate capital for the employing owning class, industry and technology will have a completely different purpose in socialism - to serve the people. The enormous waste by which the same goods are sold by competing companies under different labels using advertising to convince you that their product is best, will be replaced by real choice and not an illusion of choice. Socialism will enable us to overcome the brakes on progress of capitalism. It will release the creative energies of people. Mankind will be freed from worry about basic material needs as we know them today making it possible to open up vast new horizons of cultural and educational possibilities for millions. Classes will cease to exist and people will be free to make their contribution to the productive life of society. Men and women will be able to develop their own personality and talents to the full. With the harnessing of science and technology, boring and repetitive work will be eliminated and will become satisfying.

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