

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wishy-Washy Ideas

The March - April issue of, ''Tough Times'', which is the journal of the Peel County Poverty Action Group, (PPAG), was full of brilliant ideas. These included a basic income plan, less costly child care, increased welfare payments, an appeal for help from the Mississauga Food Bank, an ad for the help available to those suffering from anxiety and depression, suggestions conducive to helping the homeless and, under the heading, ''Needed, more work, better wages, more homes,'' an article on affordable housing. There was also an ad saying, ''Candidate wanted for the Ontario Election, June 2018. A person who is outgoing, involved in social issues, energetic, ethical. Apply at the Brampton NDP office."

All this would be hilarious if the situation wasn't so tragic. The aims of all these wishy-washy ideas is simply to reduce poverty; we of the Socialist Party of Canada want to abolish it. 

The bitter irony of it all is that when socialist ideas spread like wildfire the capitalist class will be passing reform measures too numerous to count - they'll have reforms up the wazoo, whatever the wazoo is. It's been clearly shown that no reform or program of reforms, aims at attacking the most fundamental aspect of capitalism - the ownership of the tools of production by a small minority, therefore all reforms inevitably fail to provide a full and happy life for all. Let's have done with reforms and have a society where they won't be needed.

Steve and John.

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