

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Dreams And Reality.

The Vanishing Middle Class: Prejudice and Power in a Dual Economy, is a new book by economist Peter Temin.

We know that there are only two classes: those who have to work to earn their living, and those who do not. I visited the US only three or four times, but just a quick glance at any neighbourhood is enough to see that "American Dream" is only true for a select few.

Run down neighbourhoods, increasing racial violence, xenophobia, and many other ills, are the results of the very system they have been praising for years. America is not regressing into a developing nation. It has already been a developing nation, for capitalism, but is now far worse for most: it's anarchic barbarism.

The rich will understand that they cannot sustain their status much longer while there is so much injustice and suffering around. Hasten the day working folk of America wake up to know that "American Dream" is for all to prosper, not a select few! 

Wage slaves to the back of the line .

Steve and John

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