

Thursday, June 08, 2017

It is time for a world without money

There’s no doubt that everyone wants to live in a better world. Almost everyone you speak to today senses that big changes are coming to our way of life.  We are now seven billion people yet there is no common goal, and no coordinated administration to manage our society and environment in a fair and sustainable way. The capitalist exchange economy with its production for profit prevents this from happening. Our current system is clearly not working. With socialism humanity unites in common purpose – to create a better life for everyone and a better life for ourselves. You probably think a world without private property, prices, money or even a government sounds crazy, right? We have been brought up to believe that we must compete to survive, and that life is a constant struggle. But does it really still have to be this way? We need a whole new system. The old system don't serve us anymore and we can do much better now. Why not try?

New technology and robots mean more people are losing their jobs and struggling to earn enough to survive, resulting in more poverty. Meanwhile, capitalism demands constant growth, which results in companies ravaging and polluting the environment, making shoddy products that are designed to break The 1% own half of all global wealth today, while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet. Improved and better technology is not the problem but part of the solution as we can use it to automate the production of pretty much everything, meeting practically all our needs with minimal effort. Just people helping each other and using technology to provide abundance for everyone. We can now automate the production of most things we need, so scarcity needs no longer be an issue, thus neither will greed be a problem. Why do people work in the first place? To enable them to meet their basic needs, ie. food, shelter, etc. What if those needs were already met? By working together for the benefit of each other, automating the production of many things with today's technology, and rotating certain community tasks amongst its members, you'd then be free to do whatever you want. People who already work in jobs they're passionate about would carry on because that's what they love. All of us, using the internet, online referendums, community voting, the appointment of project managers and delegates to committees will collectively administer society.

It is time for humanity to evolve; to rise above the limits of money and borders. We have the technology now to create an efficient hi-tech and abundant society, with all of us working together, connected, for each other, if we choose it. Now is the time for the next chapter in human existence. It’s time to make everything free.  it’s the only rational and logical way to proceed.  Just think about our world today: Because of capitalism, we have wars, poverty, greed, corruption, inequality, and injustice; our air, rivers, lands and seas are poisoned; we can’t access good healthcare or a decent education. Most of us are hard-pressed to make ends meet, we work in jobs that we hate or don’t get paid enough for, or we are unemployed, homeless and on the periphery of society. While life may be difficult for us in the developed world, remember, it is literally impossible for many millions of people every year in developing nations. We have tens of thousands of children dying every day in the world of hunger and diseases, even though we have the food and the cures to prevent it! How on Earth did we come to accept this as normal? Our planet has become a hostile place to live in.  Companies need a constant turnover of products in order to be profitable. It just doesn’t make financial sense to build products to last. It is better for business to keep producing disposable or sub-standard goods, despite the waste of natural resources and pollution that this causes. Many companies spend millions on advertising every year ‘creating a market’ for unnecessary products to justify manufacturing for profit. This is not just wasteful and polluting but has also created a culture of consumerism and a dangerous illusion of ‘limitless’ growth – an illusion that is slowly poisoning and choking us.

  Human beings are becoming more and more obsolete in the workplace. Our increasing global unemployment has nothing to do with incompetent governments. It is merely the growth of technology, and it’s going to get worse. Machines are taking over. Technology is a major contributing factor to unemployment. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that we’re doing a lot of things wrong in our society. Everywhere you look – greed, corruption, crime, poverty, financial stress, our health system, climate change – all of it links back to the way we do business on this planet. This simply must change. With the establishment of free access production-for-use socialism, there would be no more poverty or social inequality for example. There would be no more reckless destruction of the environment in the name of profit. All the associated problems of greed, corruption, and crime would become almost non-existent. We would each be able to live richer, happier and more connected lives while reaching our fullest individual potential. There’s no doubt that the rewards of a money-free world would be immense. Socialism is no longer a futurist utopian dream. A money-free world of true abundance, peace and fulfillment are attainable today. What are we waiting for? Whose permission do we need?

Adapted from Freeworlder website

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