

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Spoil the Ballot

Our emancipation can only be achieved by turning the machinery of production into the common property of society so that they can be used to produce the requirements of life in abundance for all; in a word, socialism must be established. The Socialist Party is the only party in this country that consistently works towards this end to hasten the day when the fratricidal warfare of capitalism is replaced by the fraternal co-operation.

Until the time arrives when our fellow-workers rally to the Socialist Party in greater numbers and enable it to take its proper place in electoral contests as the only working-class political party in this country, it has no candidates standing in Scotland. Hence all candidates before you at this election stand for the maintenance of capitalism. Your duty to your class is plain. Go to the polling station and write WORLD SOCIALISM upon your ballot paper. 

 Afterward, the task before you is to join in the fight for socialism, for only that alone can deliver you from the misery and drudgery which to-day you experience and endure.

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