

Sunday, June 04, 2017

The socialist hope for humanity

The Socialist Party is irreconcilably opposed to capitalism and works for the establishment of world socialism. The workers' movement needs a party of its own to capture the political power of the State. Aspirations means nothing without a political party to fight for them. Big Business has its political parties representing its interests. Workers must have its own too. People want a change from the misery and uncertainty of the system of capitalist exploitation and profit, and all the capitalist parties can offer is the preservation of the old, discredited and bankrupt system. Socialists do not hide the fact that as enemies of capitalism, we aim to replace capitalism, not only because it is possible to do so but because it is absolutely necessary that we do so. We are convinced that if capitalism is allowed to continue, we will be plunged into barbarism. We hold that capitalism has outlived its usefulness and that if humanity is to advance it must move on to socialism which means peace, security, prosperity, freedom and equality - all the things that the working people have always wanted and longed for. Decades ago, socialism could be looked upon as a noble ideal, but it is an urgent necessity. Peace is fleeting. War is an ever-present threat or a monstrous reality. Our environment is being raped and pillaged. Capitalism drives society to a new barbarism.

Socialism is the common ownership of the means of production and their democratic organization and management by all the people in a society free of class division and class rule. Socialism is the democratic organization of production for use, of production for abundance, of plenty for all, without the exploitation of man by man. Socialism is the unity of the whole world into federations of free and equal peoples, disposing in common of the natural resources and wealth of our earth. Capitalism has already established the great industrial capacity of the machinery of production and distribution. It is only necessary for the working class, in the name and interests of society as a whole, to take these enterprises out of the hands of the capitalists and place them into the common ownership of the people as a whole. Socialism means abundance for all. Where there is abundance for all, the nightmare of insecurity vanishes. There are jobs for all, and they are no longer dependent on whether or not the employer can take a fat profit. There is not only a high standard of living, but every industrial advance is followed by a rising standard of living and a declining working-day. Where there is abundance for all, and where no one has the economic power to exploit and oppress others, the basis of class conflict vanishes. The basis of a ruling state, of a government of violence and repression, with its prisons and police and army, also disappears. Police and thieves, prisons and violence are inevitable where there is economic inequality, or abundance for the few and scarcity for the many. They disappear when there is plenty for all, therefore economic equality, therefore social equality. Where there is abundance for all, and where all have equal access to the fruits of the soil and the wealth of industry, the mad conflicts and wars between nations and peoples vanish. With them vanishes the irrepressible urge that exists under capitalism for one nation to subject others, to rob it of its rights, to exploit and oppress it, to provoke and maintain the hideous national and racial antagonisms that cling to capitalism.

Abundance for all means freedom. Where mankind is free of economic exploitation, of economic inequality, of economic insecurity, it is free to contribute to the unfolding of a new culture and a new humanity leaving capitalistic war only as an ugly, sordid and horrible memory. To the achieve this is a burning necessity, and the Socialist Party addresses itself to our fellow members of the working class. This struggle cannot be conducted consistently nor, in the long run, successfully, unless it becomes a conscious fight against the whole rotten edifice of capitalism and for laying the foundation of socialism. We in the Socialist Party are organised to make the working class conscious of its historical mission, of the great part it must play in leading and reorganising society itself. We are part and parcel of the working class. Marx believed that the working class would lead in the transformation of society because it was at once the most dehumanized and alienated class, and potentially the most powerful, since the functioning of society depended upon it.

The defeat of the capitalist class, the rule of the working class, the inauguration of socialism - that is the aim of the Socialist Party. That is the task of the working class. Under the wage system, you and your children, and your children’s children are condemned to slavery and there is no possible hope unless overthrowing the capitalists by voting for the Socialist Party. What you want to do is quit every capitalist party of every name whatsoever. What you want to do is to organise your class and assert your class interests as capitalists do the interests of the class that is robbing you. Arouse, ye slaves! What is wanted is not a reform of the capitalist system, but its entire abolition. Declare war, not on the individual capitalist, but on the capitalist system, and if it should be your fate, your misfortune to suffer in years to come, that suffering will not be the result of your own voluntary act of submission and subservience. Only the working class itself can achieve its own emancipation. Socialism will give humanity a new world. 

The Socialist Party will be contesting three seats in the up-coming General Election:
Islington North (Bill Martin), Battersea (Danny Lambert), and Swansea West (Brian Johnson).

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