

Monday, June 05, 2017

Treat The Cause Not The Effect.

How can anyone keep the Toronto Transit Commission out of the news - fat chance!

 On May 8, the very first employee tested under their new drug and alcohol testing policy passed with a blood alcohol level of more than .04 per cent, which the agency considers impaired. For years the agency had been locked in battle with Local 113 of the Amalgamated Transit Union, which represents more than 10,000 TTC workers and which insisted random substance testing violated the workers' rights. However, in April the Ontario Superior Court upheld the policy.

It's easy enough to lean towards the court's decision on the premise that people wouldn't appreciate being driven anywhere by someone of dubious capability, but it would be much better if we lived in a society where people wouldn't feel a need a form substance abuse. 

Steve and John.

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