

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Turning On And Up The Flow Of Cash.

Despite overwhelming opposition in this country and beyond what any thinking person knows of the ludicrous madness increasing CO2 levels and global warming, The Canadian Press May 25th tells us that "Kinder Morgan announces Trans Mountain expansion will go ahead."

The sprawling Texas monopoly is quite used to public opposition, but what overrides any embarrassment of what science or the public says, what's highest in these bird's minds is their offering of 102.9 million shares at a price the of $17 to raise the underwriting capital powering the ecological nightmare and ensuring their profit$ keep going Up, Up and Up! And ain't that the name of the game? Profits at any cost?

With the company's two lapdogs Trudeau and Trump ensconced in power, horizons looks rosy for this oil hustling shifter to do quite handily out of the deal.

Environment? Who cares, other than what the gutter press tells about the BC Greens holding the 'balance of power' swaying BC's two other capitalist parties to do the right thing: keep those voters docile while turning on and up the flow of cash for the ever hungry capitalist lobbyists who pay big bucks to install these guys in power!

We read the Alberta NDP likes the deal too. Notley, says "opponents of the pipeline expansion have no power to stop it nor should they hold hostage the economy of another province." Well, that's a convenient thing to say Rachel – at least your tribe of labour fakirs are off the hook!

Citizens wake up! You're voting for capitalism here. Until we figure the racket out there ain't going to be any stopping pipelines like the Trans Mountain or any other. Like Hollywood tells us folks: The show must go on!

Next time voting comes around we wage slaves have to make it real socialism, cause that's a show where we plebs write the whole script!

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet and John

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