

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Fat Capitalism

Scotland's poorest children are increasingly likely to be obese, while those in affluent areas are not, a new NHS Scotland report has found. Heather Peace, head of nutrition science and policy at Food Standards Scotland, added: "This report adds to the mounting body of evidence showing that little progress has been made towards improving the Scottish diet for the last 20 years."
The rate of children starting school in danger of becoming obese was 7% in the most affluent areas, but nearly double that at 13% for the least wealthy.
29% of women and 28% of men aged 18-64 in Scotland were obese. Adults living in the least-deprived areas of Scotland had the lowest obesity levels. However, people living in Scotland's most-deprived communities were more likely to be obese. For women obesity became progressively more common as the deprivation level increased.
The proportion of overweight women in Scotland almost doubled over 20 years - from 31% in 1995 to 60% in 2015, the report found. In the same period, the level of overweight men jumped to 66%.
Elaine Tod, who helped author the report, said: "Obesity used to be more common amongst the richer in society as it was only those who could afford to eat well who became obese. This trend has reversed and we now see higher rates of obesity in those who are less well-off. The reasons for this are complex and multi-factorial, including the affordability and availability of high-fat, high-sugar food in comparison with healthy food and the increasing popularity of more sedentary pastimes."
Lorraine Tulloch, programme lead at Obesity Action Scotland, said: "This report clearly outlines that the most-deprived in our society are suffering the greatest burden of obesity."

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