

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Great Minds Don't Think Alike.

I recently read a BBC report in which Prof. Stephen Hawking calls for leading nations to send astronauts to the Moon by 2020.
"Spreading out into space will completely change the future of humanity," he said.
How can one criticise the opinions of such a distinguished thinker?  Well, I think that another renowned thinker called Karl Marx had a better idea for changing the future of humanity. A moneyless society, where the means of production would be owned and used to everyone's benefit.
I was watching a programme about work going on at the South Pole. All the equipment and housing and machinery had to be moved to a safer area because of a great crack in the ice were threatening the whole project. All the people were removed back home because of a perceived danger as winter approached again.   You can be sure that no buying and selling of food took place between the workers while on the South Pole.
On the Moon dangers arriving so far away would not be so easy to avoid. The question of money being used between exchanges of necessities unthinkable  
The problem for the vast amount of people is they work for wages or a salary and projects such as this require money. The capitalist class may spend money on Moon projects should they perceive a profit in doing so, however, I think we should take the road Marx declared. "Abolish the Wages system."


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