

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Non-Profit Company? Fat Chance.

British Premier, Theresa May and London Mayor Sadiq Khan have ordered an inquiry into the cause of the devastating fire at the Grenfell Tower. The tower is, or was, a public-housing project, owned by the local government and managed by the Kensington and Chelsea Tenants Management Organisation, which is ''officially'' a non-profit company--fat chance! Last year this group completed a $16.91 million renovation that included new outside insulating panels, double glazed windows and a communal heating system.

Flames raced up the outside of the tower, triggering speculation that the new panels contributed to the fire by not being up to the specifications of the fire code. Fire resistance panels cost $40.60 per square meter which is $3.40 more than those which the company is said to have used. If this is true it underscores the fact that people's safety comes with a price, which is sometimes too high for, even, non-profit groups. 

Steve and John

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