

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Saving Us From Ourselves!

 In British Columbia the three capitalist parties that ran for the provincial power of the legislature have now traded hats – but not capitalism's: NO WAY! 

Smiling as Cheshire cats, the three brimming halfwits, Clark, Horgan, and Weaver, well know their bread is still getting buttered running capitalism BC style.

With gasping maneuverings from the Clark tribe openly stumping the NDP-Green election platform reforms right before they fell no one could easily tell one political capitalist stripe from the other. 

They could have made it easier for wage slaves to figure out and just announced they were running capitalism together in the interest of, well, capitalism (you dummies!), not workers. 

Now smile for the cameras and get back to work idle readers. These birds of a feather who flock together have a job to do: make profits from your labour! Thank goodness they are saving us from ourselves. 

Steve and John.

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