

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Torturous History Celebrations?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA -- I guess . . . So it's a 150 years of wage slavery settlement in the Great White North colony: Hooray to land grabs, swindle, exploitation of Ukrainians, Italians, Poles, Irish & English navvies, and every other conceivable nationality of worker the world over who came here hoping for a better life in "Our Home and Native Land."

And hey, let's not forget First Nations people and the residential schools the Masters running this national penal colony felt best their children be sent for re-indoctrination to capitalist values! 

This writer keeps wondering where the Anniversary 30,000 years celebrating indigenous people is. Ah, Canada . . . It's the life – if you're not one of the oppressed.

Fellow workers, besides forming good unions to check the worst of this most modern rage, ain't it high time to give these swindling buggers the boot for good and live without social want so we really have something to celebrate? Think it over: We can do anytime we want when we have enough numbers.

Steve and John.

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