

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

IT'S ALL ABOARD THE HS2! (weekly poem)


The Government hopes that spending £42.6bn* on a High Speed
train service will rejuvenate the economy—despite others doubts.
* Does not include £7bn for the rolling stock. See note (3) below.

It's all aboard the HS2,
To join the Fast Buck scrum;
And cut some twenty minutes off,
The journey north to Brum.
Then on to Manchester and Leeds,
And Sheffield via Crewe;
Let's hope that wheelchair users find,
A clean and working loo!

The NAO says it's a sham, (1)
The PAC a farce; (2)
To simply help fat businessman,
Relax in the First Class.
The Government's railroading spin,
Is trying hard to kid;
The lot of us that it should spend,
Some Forty Billion quid.

Even the private IEA, (3)
Aren't on the project's side;
And recognise that vanity,
Drives this High Speed Train ride.
The IOD's boss says it's just, (4)
A “Folly,” nothing less;
Most of his members think the scheme's,
An economic mess.

Not so the Transport Industry,
Who stand to make a buck;
From lobbying a government,
That trusts in 'Business luck'.
The Shires of Middle England feel,
They soon will be assailed;
Unless the cord is firmly pulled,
And the whole plan derailed!

(1) National Audit Office.
(2) Public Accounts Committee.
(3) Institute of Economic Affairs estimate final costs of £80bn.
(4) Institute of Directors.
© Richard Layton

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