

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Everything Dandy? Well We Have Our Doubts

In "Women and the Vote," by Jad Adams, Oxford University Press, 2014, the author analyses women's struggle for the vote all over the world. The one common trend, which permeates the book, is the main reason they got the vote was that they proved their loyalty to their country; really meaning the local capitalist class. Pretty sickening isn't it? 

We in the S.P.C stand for a society where nobody has to campaign for equality as it will be a given.

Too many people view politicians as stupid, corrupt or both. Though in the SPC, we realise some are, we don't dwell on it too much, as it would be tantamount to saying, "if they weren't a bunch of jerks, everything under capitalism would be peachy-dandy."

 Well, we have our doubts about that.

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