

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Excuse Me

Recently I was excused jury duty by expressing the socialist position in relation to the entire legal apparatus, which by itself would not be worthy of mention.

 What is was the fact that in a room full with about 250 prospective jurors, an approximate quarter filled in forms requesting they be excused. Admittedly some of their reasons may not be commendable, like racist ones for example, but nevertheless, it is heartening to see so many people reluctant to help capitalism's legal Joe boys administrate the stinking system. 

 Steve and John.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not so sure about this post.

    Jury system is something i think that demonstrates a method of democracy that could still continue in socialism...a random selection of citizens being asked to make decisions.

    Granted much of the present justice system is corrupt and the punitive system of incarceration is inhumane...but some sort of law and legal system may well exist in socialism to determine guilt or otherwise of anti-social actions.
