

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Fleecing the punters

Edinburgh airport charge airlines £4.95 to park an Airbus A320 on the apron for 15 minutes yet stopping a car for the same amount of time in the controversial drop-off zone would set you back £5.

An A320, used by British Airways and EasyJet for flights to London airports, is charged parking of £3.23 per 15 minutes at its “empty” weight of 43 tons. Even when it is stationary and full of passengers, fuel and luggage, approaching a weight of 66 tons, it will still only be charged £4.95 for parking.
Edinburgh’s drop-off fees start at £1 for up to five minutes, £3 for up to 10 minutes, and £5 between 10 minutes and 20 minutes.

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